Scientific Interests of Marco Pellegrini
Since 1988 I have been interested in problems linked to the discipline of Computational Geometry.
With time I realized that geometry pops up in many unexpected areas and I like to look for geometric problems
hidden in several other fields (both in those traditionally considered near and in those considered far from Computational Geometry).
Here is a synthetic short list of some topics I've been touching or I am planning to touch:
- Combinatorics and algorithms for visibility problems in 3-dimensional space. Structure of the space of lines in 3D.
- Solving rendering equations for applications in Computer Graphics using integral geometric concepts.
- Efficient approximation of some integrals arising in Electrostatics.
- High dimensional geometry, randomized methods for Linear Programming, approximation of the diameter of a point set.
- Data structures for fast Internet routing
- Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web
- Computational Biology
Last update: January 5th, 2007
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