Project Acronym: LISM.
Project Title: Laboratory for Integrative Systems Medicine
Funding: IIT - Istituto di Infromatica e Telematica and IFC - Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica
Partners: CNR-IIT (Pisa), CNR-IFC (Pisa).
Duration: Started in 2013
Funding (initial endowment): 350,000 Euro
The LISM Laboratory (Laboratory for Integrative System Medicine )
was established jointly by IFC-CNR (Institute of Clinical Physiology)
and IIT-CNR (Institute for Informatics and Telematics)
in order to develop research in bio-informatics with applications in medicine,
with particular emphasis on approaches "Systems Biology" and "Next Generation Sequencing"
applied to the study of multifactorial diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
Last update: November 4th, 2014
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