Logic and formal methods for Qualitative and Quantitative Security
This activity extends a research stream on formal method and open system paradigm for the specification, analysis, and synthesis of secure systems. Modal logics are used for expressing security properties that systems have to satisfy to be secure. The considered security policies are safety, non-interference, and fault tolerant properties.
According to the chosen approach, these policies are specified in a language based on process algebra.
The synthesis activity aims at generating mechanisms to monitor and, if necessary, force the behavior of those components of the system that could be malicious. The behavior of the component of the system is described through process algebra operators and the security requirements are expressed through modal logic. The proposed synthesis method is then used in several areas, such as web services, security of mobile devices and distributed systems.
Investigations were carried out within the European project FP6-S3MS and
project FP7-CONNECT.
Recently I go further on these activities by considering not only the qualitative aspects of security but also considering security as a "quantitative" property, by taking into account probability, dependability, and risk aspects. As part of the SESAMO project, the trade off of possible synergies between security and safety has been investigated.
See publications for further details.
Software development for an automatic generation of controllers and service composition.
As part of the project FP6-S3MS, software has been developed for the generation of secure systems. In particular, there was implements a procedure for the automatic generation of automata that satisfy a given safety property. This application was developed in O’caml. The project FP6-S3MS has driven the implementation of application able to compare two policies w.r.t. the concept of symbolic simulation (contract-policy matching). This application was developed in Java2ME. As part of the project FP7-Aniketos, a method and a prototype implementation of compliance checking is provided in such a way that it performs a static analysis for guaranteeing that the behaviors of a service or of a composition of services respects what they promise to do. These studies have given rise to a prototype implementation that has been integrated in the platform developed within the project.
See publications for further details.