Recent Papers
- Carles Boix, Bruno Codenotti, Giovanni Resta War, Wealth, and
the Formation of States, in POlitical Economy and Institution,
Springer Verlag 2011
- Michele Budinich, Bruno Codenotti, Filippo Geraci, Marco
Pellegrini: On the Benefits of Keyword Spreading in Sponsored Search
Auctions: An Experimental Analysis. EC-Web 2010: 158-171
- Bruno Codenotti, Stefano De Rossi, Marino Pagan: An
experimental analysis of Lemke-Howson algorithm CoRR abs/0811.3247:
- The Complexity of Equilibria: Hardness Results for Economies
via a Correspondence with Games (with A. Saberi, Y. Ye, K.
Varadarajan), Theoretical Computer Science, 408, pp. 188-198 (2008)
(Journal version of SODA paper).
- An Experimental Study of Different Approaches to Solve the
Market Equilibrium Problem (with B. McCune, S. Pemmaraju, R. Raman,
K. Varadarajan), ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Vol. 12
(August 2008). (Journal version that combines two previous
conference papers)
- An Optimal Multiprocessor Combinatorial
Auction Solver (with S. Yang and A. Segre), Computers and
Operations Research, Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages
- Computation of Market Equilibria by Convex Programming (with K.
Varadarajan). In `Algorithmic Game Theory`, Noam Nisan, Tim
Roughgarden, Eva Tardos, and Vijay V. Vazirani, Editors, Cambridge
University Press, September 2007, pp. 135-159.
- Military Competition, Types of Wealth and State Formation: An
Agent-Based Model (with C. Boix and G. Resta). Preliminary version
of the paper with the simulation of the evolution of the number of
states. Presented at the 102nd American Political Science
Association Annual Meeting, 2006.
- Efficient
Computation of Nash Equilibria for Very Sparse Win-Lose Games
(with M. Leoncini and G. Resta). Electronic Colloquium on
Computational Complexity, Report TR06-012. ESA 2006.
- Computing Equilibrium Prices in Exchange Economies
with Tax Distortions [Posted on 1/13/06] Preliminary version of
the paper with efficient algorithms for some models of economies
with taxes on consumption (with L. Rademacher and K. Varadarajan).
ICALP 2006.
Leontief Economies Encode Nonzero Sum Two-Player Games [Posted on
5/20/05] Preliminary version on the paper showing the one-to-one
correspondence between Nash equilibria in bimatrix games and market
equilibria in certain Leontief economies (with A. Saberi, K.
Varadarajan, Y. Ye). Electronic Colloquium on Computational
Complexity, Report TR05-055. SODA 2006.
- Computing Equilibrium Prices: Does
Theory Meet Practice? [Posted on 4/12/05] Preliminary version of
the paper with experiments on the computation of market equilibria,
where we explore the gray zone between the general problem and the
poly-time solvable special cases (with B. McCune, R. Raman, and K.
Varadarajan). ESA 2005 -- Engineering and Applications Track.
- Market Equilibrium via the
Excess Demand Function [Posted on 11/07/04] Preliminary version
of the paper with a discrete version of tatonnement which runs in
poly time and other results (with B. McCune and K. Varadarajan).
STOC 2005.
- Existence, Multiplicity and Computation of
Equilibria for CES Exchange Economies [Posted on 06/27/05] This
paper includes convex programs characterizing equilibria for CES
functions - some do not satisfy WGS - and results on the existence
of equilibria for CES functions (with B. McCune, S. Penumatcha, and
K. Varadarajan). FSTTCS 2005.
It also simplifies an earlier unpublished version Market Equilibrium in Exchange Economies with
Some Families of Concave Utility Functions [Posted on 11/04/04],
that was presented at the DIMACS Workshop on Large Scale Games,
April 2005.
Algorithms Column: The Computation of Market Equilibria [Posted on
11/10/04] Survey on the Computation of Market Equilibria (with
S. Pemmaraju and K. Varadarajan), ACM SIGACT News 35(4) December
Experimental Analysis of Several Algorithms for Market Equilibrium
Computation Preliminary version of the paper experimenting on
different approaches to the computation of market equilibria (with
B. McCune, S. Pemmaraju, R. Raman, and K. Varadarajan). [Revised
version posted on 10/04/04]. ALENEX 2005.
Equilibrium for Exchange Markets Satisfying WGS [Revised version --
Posted on 11/04/04] Preliminary version of the paper on the
polynomial time computation of equilibria for exchange economies
satisfying weak gross substitutability (with S. Pemmaraju, K.
Varadarajan). SODA 2005.
- Nash Equilibria for (0,1) Bimatrix
Games.[Revised version posted on 10/22/04] Preliminary version
of the paper on the computation of Nash equilibria for win-lose
bimatrix games (with D. Stefankovic). Information Processing
Letters, Volume 94, Issue 3, pp. 145-150 (2005).
- Equilibrium for Markets with
Leontief Utilities. Preliminary version of the paper on the
efficient computation of equilibrium prices for Fisher's markets
with Leontief utilities (with K. Varadarajan). ICALP 2004.
- Realistic Combinatorial Auctions. Preliminary
version of the paper on the generation of realistic data sets for
combinatorial auctions (with A. Bonaccorsi, N. Dimitri, M. Leoncini,
G. Resta, P. Santi). Proc. IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce
(CEC), Newport Beach, CA, pp. 331-338 (June 2003).
- Distributed Web Crawler. Preliminary version of
the paper describing the software architecture of UbiCrawler (with
P. Boldi, M. Santini, S. Vigna). Software - Practice and Experience,
32(8):711-726, 2004.
Some less recent papers are on line here
Some Older Papers
- B. Codenotti, I. Gerace, G. Resta ``Some remarks on the
Shannon capacity of odd cycles'', Ars Combinatoria, Vol. 66 (2003).
- B. Codenotti, I. E. Shparlinski, A. Winterhof,
``Non-approximability of the Permanent of Structured Matrices over
Finite Fields'', Computational Complexity, 11, 158-170 (2002).
- Codenotti,B. Resta,G. ``Computation of sparse circulant
permanents via determinants'', Linear Algebra and Its Applications
355(1-3), pp.15-34 (2002).
- B. Codenotti, M. Leoncini, F.P. Preparata, ``The role of
arithmetic in fast parallel matrix inversion'', Algorithmica, Vol.
3(4) 2001, pp. 685-707.
- A. Bernasconi, B. Codenotti, J.M. VanderKam, ``A
Characterization of Bent Functions in terms of Strongly Regular
Graphs'', IEEE Transactions on Computers 50(9), pp. 984-985
- B. Codenotti, P. Pudl\'ak, G. Resta ``Some structural
properties of low rank matrices related to computational
complexity'', Theoretical Computer Science, Vol: 235 (1) (2000), pp.
- B.Codenotti, G. Del Corso, G. Manzini, ``Matrix Rank and
Communication Complexity'', Linear Algebra and its Applications 304
(1-3) (2000), 193--200.
- B.Codenotti, ``Matrix Rigidity'', Linear Algebra and its
Applications, 304 (1-3) (2000), 181--192.
- A. Bernasconi, B. Codenotti, ``Spectral Analysis of Boolean
Functions as a Graph Eigenvalue Problem'', IEEE Transactions on
Computers, Vol. 48(3) (1999), 345-351.
- B.Codenotti, I. Gerace, S. Vigna, ``On Some Combinatorial
Questions Related to Circulant Graphs'', Linear Algebra and its
Applications, 285 (1998), 123-142.
- I. Bar On, B. Codenotti, M.Leoncini, ``A Fast Parallel Cholesky
Decomposition Algorithm for Tridiagonal Symmetric Matrices'', SIAM
Journal on Matrix Analysis, Vol. 18(2) (1997) 403-418.
- B. Codenotti, F.Erg\"un, P. Gemmell, R.Kumar, ``Checking
Properties of Polynomials'', ICALP 97.
- G. Bilardi, B. Codenotti, G. Del Corso, C. Pinotti, G. Resta,
``Broadcast and Other primitive Operations on Fat Trees'', EUROPAR
- B. Codenotti, L. Margara, ``Transitive Cellular Automata are
Sensitive to Initial Conditions'', American Mathematical Monthly, 1
(1996), 60-64.
- P. Boldi,B. Codenotti, P. Gemmell, S. Shammah, J. Simon, S.
Vigna, ``Symmetry Breaking in Anonymous Networks:
Characterizations'', Proc 4th Israel Symposium on Theory of
Computing and Systems, pp. 16-26 (1996).
- B. Codenotti, G.Manzini, L. Margara, G. Resta ``Perturbation:
An Efficient
technique for the Solution of Very Large Instances of the TSP'',
INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 8 (2) 1996.
- Bar On, I. Codenotti, B. Leoncini, M. ``Checking robust
nonsingularity of Tridiagonal Matrices in linear time'', BIT 36:2 (1996)
- Bar On, I. Codenotti, B. ``A Fast and Stable Parallel QR
Algorithm for Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices'', Linear Algebra and
its Applications, 220 (1995) 63-95.
- M. Blum, B. Codenotti, P. Gemmell, T. Shahoumian,
``Self-Correcting for Function Fields of Finite Transcendental
Degree'', ICALP 95.
- B. Codenotti, P. Gemmell, J. Simon, ``Average Circuit Depth and
Average Communication Complexity'', ESA 95.
- Ar, S. Blum, M. Codenotti,B. Gemmell, P. ``Checking
Approximate Computations over the Reals'', STOC 93.
- Codenotti,B. Manzini, G, Margara, L., Resta,G. ``Global
Strategies for Augmenting the Efficiency of TSP Heuristics'', WADS
- Codenotti,B. Tamassia,R. ``A Network Flow Approach to the
Reconfiguration of VLSI Arrays'', IEEE Transactions on Computers,
40(1) (1991) 118-121.
- Codenotti,B. Leoncini,M. ``Matrix Inversion in $RNC^1$'',
Journal of Complexity, 7 (1991), 282-295.
- Codenotti,B. Lotti,G. Romani,F. ``Area-Time Tradeoffs for
Matrix Vector Multiplication'', Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing 8 (1990) 52-59.
- Codenotti,B. Lotti,G. ``A Fast Algorithm for the Division of
Two Polynomial Matrices'', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
34 (1989), 446-448.
- Codenotti,B. Flandoli,F. ``A Monte Carlo Method for the
Parallel Solution of Linear Systems'', Journal of Complexity, 5
(1989), 107-117.
- Bevilacqua,R. Codenotti,B. Romani,F. ``Parallel Solution of
Block Tridiagonal Linear Systems'', Linear Algebra and its
Applications, 104 (1988), 39-57.

- Codenotti,B. Leoncini,M. ``Fondamenti di Calcolo
Parallelo", (in Italian) Milano, Addison Wesley (1990).
- Codenotti,B. Leoncini,M. Parallel
Complexity of Linear System
Solution Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Company,
- Codenotti,B. Leoncini,M. Introduction to
Parallel Processing,
(translation of a revised version of ``Fondamenti di Calcolo
Parallelo'') Addison Wesley (1993).
- Bernasconi, A. Codenotti, B. `` Introduzione
alla Complessita' Computazionale'', (in Italian), Springer
Verlag (1998).
- Bernasconi, A. Codenotti, B. Resta, G. ``Metodi Matematici
in Complessita'
Computazionale'', (in Italian), Springer Verlag (1999).